UNESCO SHS Views No. 14 includes a dossier on international migration. It is timed to coincide with the United Nations High-Level Dialogue that is to take place in New York on 14 and 15 September 2006. Among other issues, this special dossier presents UNESCO's activities regarding the Convention on Migrant Workers' Rights, human trafficking in Africa and in the Greater Mekong region, migration in China and Central Asia and also offers a list of publications to further explore the question of international migration. The dossier is also available in French. SHS Views is the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector magazine. September-November 2006. (PDF, 32 pages.)
The purpose of the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development is to discuss the multidimensional aspects of international migration and development in order to identify appropriate ways and means to maximize its development benefits and minimize its negative impacts. Additionally, the High-Level Dialogue will have a strong focus on policy issues, including the challenge of achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Visit the UNESCO website on International Migration and Multicultural Policies.
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