In January 2007, the African Union will hold its 8th annual summit, focusing on science, technology and innovation and organised with support from NEPAD.
Africa, because of its poverty and because of the need to radically strengthen the scientific capacity of its nations, demands and has received highest priority from UNESCO's science programs. Thus this AU summit holds special interest for those interested in UNESCO's natural, social and human science programs, as well as its science education programs.
This autumn, a number of meetings will take place to prepare and discuss proposals including a model law to regulate biotechnology across the continent, the role of the African diaspora and a new financing facility to support African research.
SciDev.Net has developed a new website on which it has grouped its coverage of these issues, key documents relating to the summit, links, and an invitation to join our related discussion group.
SciDev.Net's special AU Summit site will bring together coverage in the run up to the summit, which will look at the role of science, technology and innovation in the continent's development. The site will feature relevant news, key documents and links.
What is the right vehicle to promote science in Africa? Do scientists feel their needs are being addressed? Do African politicians understand the role that science and technology plays in development? What are Africa's research priorities?
Join SciDev.Net's discussion group to debate the topics that the summit will discuss and highlight any that have been missed.
To join the group visit:
Onesmo ole-MoiYoi, director of research and partnerships at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in Nairobi, Kenya opens the discussion by highlighting why efforts to use science to drive Africa's development have failed. "Africa’s development problems have potential generic solutions," he writes.
SciDev.Net is the world’s leading electronic source of free news, views and analysis about science and technology in the developing world. Through support from international aid agencies, all SciDev.Net content and services are free of charge.
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