Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Your Response to an attack on UNESCO is requested.

The UNESCO Memory of the World Program was established to encourage the protection of archives of important materials. The preparation of General Guidelines for the Program was initiated through a contract with IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations), together with the compilation, by IFLA and ICA (International Council on Archives), of lists of irreparably damaged library collections and archive holdings. Through its National Commissions, UNESCO prepared a list of endangered library and archive holdings and a world list of national cinematic heritage. 

The Memory of the World Register comprises nearly 300 documents and collections from five continents. Che Guevara’s works are among 54 new additions this year. (Click here for an account of the addition.)  A number of collections have been added from the United States, including the papers of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Check out the latest from Representative Ros-Lehtinen attacking UNESCO on the Che inscription. 

I suggest that you reply to her tweet with a link to the Holocaust inscriptions that were also made this year to the Memory of the World Register?  The following is just a suggestion.  
@RosLehtinen Memory of the World about creating historical reference. Holocaust docs inscribed this year.  http://ow.ly/ndMVR
Here is the full url:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Crystal Nix-Hines nominated as U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO

Crystal Nix-Hines, has been nominated to be the permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO. The post, which must be confirmed by the Senate, carries to rank of ambassador.

I quote from Wikipedia:
Crystal Nix-Hines is Of Counsel at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan in Los Angeles.  Previously, she served as Of Counsel at Fairbank & Vincent from 2006 to 2007, Special Counsel in the Litigation Department of O’Melveny & Myers, LLP from 1997 to 2000, and Assistant to the General Counsel/Senior Vice President of Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. from 1992 to 1993.  From 1993 to 1997, she held several positions at the State Department, including Counselor to the Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Member of the Department’s Policy Planning Staff, and Special Assistant to the Legal Adviser.  From 1991 to 1992, she clerked on the U.S. Supreme Court for Justice Thurgood Marshall and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.  She also clerked for Justice William A. Norris on the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit from 1990 to 1991.  During her career, Ms. Nix-Hines has also been a writer and producer on several network television shows such as Commander-in-Chief, Alias, and The Practice.  She began her career as a reporter for New York Times. 
Her law practice currently focuses on several areas, including  Entertainment and Media Litigation, Intellectual Property Litigation, Structured Finance and Derivatives Litigation and Transnational Litigation.

According to Variety:
Nix-Hines was a bundler for President Obama in the most recent election cycle, raising between $200,000 and $500,000. She was a classmate of Michelle Obama’s at Princeton and graduated from Harvard Law School in 1990, a year before Barack Obama.
This appears to be an exceptional appointment. Nix-Hines' career path indicates that she is exceptionally talented, energetic and innovative. She has appropriate, high-level experience in the State Department. Her legal work in structured finance should be invaluable in dealing with UNESCO's budget issues. Her television background givers her professional standing with respect to UNESCO's culture program. Her legal work in intellectual property law gives her professional standing with regard to UNESCO's copyright conventions and their implementation. As a former New York Times reporter she brings special understanding to UNESCO's defense of reporters and press freedom. And last, but not least, she has personal standing that means her voice can be heard in the halls of the State Department and the White House.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

US Permanent Delegation to UNESCO

UNESCO lists the permanent delegation of the United States to the Organization as follows:

Permanent Delegation of the United States of America to UNESCO
U.S. Mission to UNESCO
American Embassy
12, avenue Raphaël
75016 PARIS
Telephone :
Fax :
E-mail :ParisUNESCO@state.gov
Web site :http://unesco.usmission.gov/
The Permanent Delegation requests that all correspondence be addressed to :
U.S. Mission to UNESCO
Miollis House - Room 4.45
75015 PARIS
H. E. Mr David Killion
Permanent Delegate
Mrs Kristin Eager Killion
Telephone :01 43 12 74 16
E-mail :ParisUNESCO@state.gov
Ms Kathleen A. Kavalec
Deputy Permanent Delegate, 
Telephone :01 43 12 74 85
E-mail :k.kavalec.us@unesco-delegations.org
M. Scott Turner
First Secretary (Political Affairs)
Telephone :01 43 12 74 82
E-mail :s.turner.us@unesco-delegations.org
Mrs Megan Larson-Kone
First Secretary (Communications/Culture)
Telephone :01 43 12 74 46
E-mail :m.larson-kone.us@unesco-delegations.org
Mr James Ryan Grizzle
Second Secretary (Education)
Telephone :01 43 12 74 81
E-mail :r.grizzle.us@unesco-delegations.org
Mrs Janel Heird
Second Secretary, Science Officer
Telephone :01 43 12 74 99
E-mail :j.heird.us@unesco-delegations.org
Mrs Daniela Morich
Program Specialist
Telephone :01 43 12 74 53
E-mail :d.morich.us@unesco-delegations.org

Monday, July 01, 2013


“Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero