SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I’m just so delighted to have this meeting and to have a chance to talk with the new director general about the upcoming agenda for UNESCO. We are so pleased to have her here in the United States and at the State Department, and I look forward to a very substantive discussion today and a lot of work ahead.
DIRECTOR GENERAL BOKOVA: Thank you. Thank you very much. I am very pleased to have my first official visit in the United States. I hope this is a new, fresh start of our cooperation. I’m very excited. We have an agenda. It’s education, it’s science, it’s climate change, it’s education of girls, of women, literacy. I am very much looking forward to talking to you about all these issues.
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you so much.
DIRECTOR GENERAL BOKOVA: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Emily Vargas-Baron comments:
"Excellent! I was very impressed with DG Bukova: her outstanding commitment, knowledge and priorities for UNESCO in the world."
Look at this tweet from Farah Pandith, the State Department's Special Representative to Muslim Communities
"Saturday morn at State Dept: reviewing meeting notes on mtg with new UNESCO Director General Bokova -- what creative ideas she has!"
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