
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Women in Science: The Missing Links"

"Women in Science: The Missing Links," The UNESCO Courier, 2007, Number 2. (PDF, 20 pages.)

This issue of UNESCO's major online magazine is devoted to the topic of women in science.

Argentina: the illusion of equality


In Argentina, one researcher out of two is female. But these numbers hide other inequalities. More

Budding Plant Research


Laureate for Africa of the 2007 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim has spent much of her life taking inventory of plants in her homeland, Mauritius. More

The trailing spouse syndrome


Women scientists, especially physicists, are likely to marry other scientists – which can create problems if both partners look for jobs at the same institution. More

“We need the best people as scientists” - Interview


Baroness Greenfield, Professor of pharmacology at Oxford University and author of a UK report on women in science, advocates stronger strategic approaches to addressing the issue of female under-representation in scientific careers. More

No statistics, no problem, no policy...


Myanmar has the world’s highest proportion of women researchers at 85%, according to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. But why are research hotspots like China and the United States missing from the list of 100 countries with available data? A careful look behind the statistics. More

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