- Promote international reflection and debate on the ethical, legal and societal challenges of the information society
- Promote and widen access to information in the public domain through the organisation, digitization and preservation of information
- Support training, continuing education and lifelong learning in the fields of communication, information and informatics
- Support the production of local content and foster the availability of indigenous knowledge through basic literacy and ICT literacy training
- Promote the use of international standards and best practices in communication, information and informatics in UNESCO’s fields of competences
- Promote information and knowledge networking at local, national, regional and international levels.
Supporting Documents
- Evaluation of the Information for All Program (IFAP) - Guidance Notes
- Evaluation of the Information for All Programme (IFAP) - Terms of reference
- United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) - Norms for Evaluation in the UN System
- United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) - Standards for Evaluation in the UN System
I have been working with the "C" lines, and UNESCO and ITU; it was suggested more than once I should head IFAP after the last person left. When I enquired of a mid-level person, the answer was vague. Seeing this report explains, perhaps, why the directorship is still vacant.