The Understanding World Network is to promote dialog and mutual understanding by linking traditional and electronic media. Under UNESCO auspices, media organizations, NGOs and governmental representatives are meeting in Bali (Indonesia), from January 21 to 23, to lay the ground for the network.
Editor's comment: The development of low cost radio transmitters and the continuing reduction in the cost of consumer electronics combine to make radio and even television affordable even by the poor in remote villages in developing nations. UNESCO has lead in helping the world to understand that the increasing potential for media communication will not be met unless content of interest to local people can be provided in language and format that they can understand. Thus there is a need to provide interfaces between the so-called "main stream media" and "community media" to bridge a significant current "content divide". The Understanding World Network may be a giant step in the right direction. JAD

About the Understanding World Network: Interview with Abdul Waheed Khan, UNESCO's Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information
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