Over 500 young people from all over the world are due to meet at #UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 26 to 28 October 2015 to ensure that youth remains top of the agenda ahead of #COP21, the UN Climate Change Conference, in the context of the implementation of the new global Sustainable Development Goals. Read more here: http://on.unesco.org/1kzS1Iu #SDGs#YouthForum
UNESCO in the Spotlight: Science and Communications
This blog seeks to spotlight noteworthy UNESCO science and communications programs; it emphasizes links between the United States and UNESCO.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Sunday, May 03, 2015
World Press Freedom Day, May 3
#KeepSpeechFree: UNESCO has joined forces with Google to promote freedom of expression in the online sphere, on World Press Freedom Day (3 May). They have developed a set of tools to help you better understand the threats to free expression online today – and what you can do about them:
* How to tackle digital risks, such as surveillance, location tracking, Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, Denial of Service (DoS) http://ow.ly/Mn1uM
* How internet companies can foster freedom online http://ow.ly/Mn1uM
* An analysis of freedom of expression & Internet privacy - where they support or compete with each other http://ow.ly/Mn1uM
* How media - including social media - are vital for sustainable development http://ow.ly/Mn1aD
* What's needed to build an internet that enhances free expression & human rights: http://ow.ly/Mn1fh
Sunday, March 22, 2015
UNESCO focuses on Water
Urgent action is needed to avoid the planet from facing a 40% shortfall in water supply by 2030. We must dramatically improve the way water is managed globally, in the face of ever-rising demand and the over exploitation of our groundwater reserves.
* Infographic: http://ow.ly/KzMxI
* World Water Day page: http://ow.ly/KzMrI
* See UNESCO's new "Water for a Sustainable World” report: http://ow.ly/KzKjg — with Ila Murugan.
Thursday, November 06, 2014
Annual Meeting of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO.
The meeting with be held in the Loy Henderson Conference room at the Department of State on
Friday, December 5, 2014 from 9:30am to 4:30pm
with a break for lunch at 12pm. The meeting is open to the public so please feel free to share with interested parties. Anyone planning on attending must RSVP’s to dcunesco@state.gov in order to facilitate entry into the building.
U.S. Ambassador Crystal Nix-Hines is scheduled to speak with the Commission and discuss U.S. engagement with UNESCO along with her priorities.
State Department UNESCO watchers also look forward to discussing UNESCO programs and partnerships continuing to grow in the U.S. such as World Heritage, Creative Cities, the University/UNITWIN Chair Program and the Category II Centers.
We all are looking forward to the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO and how to best participate as a community. http://en.unesco.org/70years#view-display-id-section4 .
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Call for Papers and Museum Material
It was suggested that I share this request from the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO.
The Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO in recognition of the anniversary of the First World War would like to draw your attention to two of its initiatives: 1) Call for Paper – Information Histroy of the First World War The University of Szeged with the patronage of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO plans to publish an edited volume with international participation on the Information History of First World War. Historians are invited to submit essays, accounts of sources, genre art and images of documents that fall within the following six categories: · destruction or loss of information during the war;
· positive impact of the war on information creation/generation;
· flow of information on the frontlines, in the hinterland or in-between;
· parasites of the information flow;
· visual war, which can be seen and read;
· realignment of schemas, cultural patterns and mental models.
Submissions and any queries are to be sent to Mr László Z. Karvalics, Chair of the Communication and Information Sub-Committee of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO: zkl@hung.u-szeged.hu. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1 October 2014. For further information please consult the attached Call for Papers.
We would like to ask for your kind cooperation to criculate the Call for Papers among your contacts and relevant institutions (libraries, universities, research centres in connection with the Great War, etc.) 2) Inter arma silent musae? Artistic activity of the soldiers of World War I During the First World War common soldiers were a great source of artistic expression. They wrote letters to their family, kept diaries, drew pictures about their companions, carved figures, and prepared different articles from all available material both in the trenches and in the prison camps. They wrote poems and sang their desire in newly composed songs. There was no difference in this respect between the soldiers of any country, participated in the First World War. Some of the museums and institutions have gathered and preserved the genuine artistic accomplishment of the simple soldiers in any army of the First World War, but there are lots of artefacts and documents in the possession of the families of the one-time warriors. The Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO started a program to gather and borrow these artifacts systematically for exhibitions and performances. Also the scientific aspect seems to be relevant, thus also conferences and publications are planned. The Cultural Sub-Committee of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO proposes to start similar programs also in other countries of the former fighting nations, in this regard we would welcome the participation of any interested National Commissions. For further information please consult the attached project desciption. In order to express your interest please contact Mr Zsolt Visy, Chair of the Cultural Sub-Committee of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO: info@unesco.hu, e.szollosi74@freemail.hu Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, On behalf of Dr Miklós Réthelyi, Chairperson of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO Mr Balint HUDECZ Az UNESCO Magyar Nemzeti Bizottsága / Hungarian National Commission for UNESCOwww.unesco.hu
H-1054 Budapest, Báthory u. 10.
Tel. 0036-1-795-4691H-1054 Budapest, Báthory u. 10. Tel. 0036-1-795-4691
Suggestions Relevant to the Status of Scientists.
UNESCO has called for advice and comments regarding the revision of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers. The original recommendations date from 1974.
I began to work in international science and technology in 1978, when I transferred to the Office of Science and Technology of USAID -- the U.S foreign assistance agency. I continued to be involved in international science and technology until I retired a few years ago. I met with all of the senior science and technology policy officials in Indonesia in 1978. I was involved in the planning for the UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development in 1979. I worked on major studies of science and technology in Egypt, Ecuador and a less detailed study in Uganda. I was involved in the planning and/or evaluation of major science and technology loans in Egypt, Brazil, Mexico and Uganda. I managed research programs in developing countries from 1981 to 1996. I was at one point the Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology of USAID, and I directed the USAID Office of Research. I was on the OAS Committee on Science and Technology and I was the U.S. Commissioner on the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development. I served as a member of the Board of Directors of Americans for UNESCO for seven years, and have managed Linked In's group "UNESCO's Friends" for six years.
I was therefore surprised that I had never heard of this UNESCO Recommendation. When I read it, I could see why. It is not only turgid in style but it deals with all sorts of things other than "the status of scientific researchers". I don't think that the relevant scientific leadership in UNESCO's member states know of the existence of this recommendation, nor that they would know what to do to implement it if they were made aware of it.
As a first suggestion, I would focus the recommendations on the status of "scientists", not just "scientific researchers".
A scientist might have legal status in her role as professor or researcher, but probably not in her more general role of "scientist". Thus she might enjoy a legal right to tenure and academic freedom as a professor and have legal responsibilities for the ethical conduct of research as a researcher.
So what is the state or condition of the scientist with respect to circumstances? In some circumstances a scientist serves as:
I began to work in international science and technology in 1978, when I transferred to the Office of Science and Technology of USAID -- the U.S foreign assistance agency. I continued to be involved in international science and technology until I retired a few years ago. I met with all of the senior science and technology policy officials in Indonesia in 1978. I was involved in the planning for the UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development in 1979. I worked on major studies of science and technology in Egypt, Ecuador and a less detailed study in Uganda. I was involved in the planning and/or evaluation of major science and technology loans in Egypt, Brazil, Mexico and Uganda. I managed research programs in developing countries from 1981 to 1996. I was at one point the Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology of USAID, and I directed the USAID Office of Research. I was on the OAS Committee on Science and Technology and I was the U.S. Commissioner on the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development. I served as a member of the Board of Directors of Americans for UNESCO for seven years, and have managed Linked In's group "UNESCO's Friends" for six years.
I was therefore surprised that I had never heard of this UNESCO Recommendation. When I read it, I could see why. It is not only turgid in style but it deals with all sorts of things other than "the status of scientific researchers". I don't think that the relevant scientific leadership in UNESCO's member states know of the existence of this recommendation, nor that they would know what to do to implement it if they were made aware of it.
As a first suggestion, I would focus the recommendations on the status of "scientists", not just "scientific researchers".
Status (from the Merriam Webster dictionary): noun
Many scientific activities will be carried out by teams of people, and in general on would expect those teams to be headed by professional scientists -- those with the education, training and experience to fully understand the nature of scientific challenges, methods and work.
- a: position or rank in relation to others
status of a father; b: relative rank in a hierarchy of prestige; especially: high prestige- the condition of a person or thing in the eyes of the law
- state or condition with respect to circumstances
A scientist might have legal status in her role as professor or researcher, but probably not in her more general role of "scientist". Thus she might enjoy a legal right to tenure and academic freedom as a professor and have legal responsibilities for the ethical conduct of research as a researcher.
So what is the state or condition of the scientist with respect to circumstances? In some circumstances a scientist serves as:
- a point of contact with an international scientific community: Thus a scientist should by her training have mastered certain knowledge and skills specific to her science; she should acquire new knowledge and understanding as it is generated by others in her scientific field; she may collaborate on research with other scientists within and outside her country; she may bring relevant scientific issues opportunities specific to her country to the attention of her scientific colleagues abroad; she will be expected to participate in peer review activities.
- an educator: Thus, a scientists should help prepare others to be scientists; she may create curricula and teach in institutions of higher learning; she may help assure the quality of the science curricula in K-12 schooling; she may take a role in continuing education in the sciences and in the popularization of scientific knowledge.
- a researcher: We think of the defining character of science as the conduct of scientific research, but not all scientists always are in the process of conducting their own research. Still, she may conduct independent research, or collaborate in the conduct of research with others; she may seek to replicate reported research; she should submit her research for publication in appropriate scientific journals.
- an organizer of knowledge: Scientists often write text books or other books on their science, organizing bodies of knowledge so that they may be effectively conveyed to others.
- a problem solver: Scientists are sometimes called upon to apply their scientific knowledge to real world problems. Thus a meteorologist may be asked to apply her scientific knowledge to the development of weather forecasting technology; a geologist to apply her scientific knowledge to the location or description of valuable mineral deposits; a plant scientist to the identification of a crop disease.
I suppose that there are some legal implications of these aspects of a scientists status. Thus a scientist might need to have greater access to the Internet and to the importation of foreign literature than would be granted to the general public in some countries. So too, academic scientists (at least in some fields) might perhaps appropriately be granted more time for public service than would faculty in say the humanities.
Scientific ethics require scientists working for government to share their scientific findings with the public, and governments should recognize this fact. While politicians and bureaucrats may regularly have limitations placed on their public statements by their governments, here is special status may well be appropriate for scientists.
I would guess that UNESCO's focus should be on helping small, poor countries to use their relatively few scientists well. In part that means encouraging institutions to emphasize critically important scientific fields in their policies.
- The portion of GDP that countries spend on research and development increases with the per capita GDP. Small, poor countries thus spend very little on R&D. If they are to meet their needs for research results relevant to their problems, then they probably must depend on their scientists collaborating with those from other countries on such problems. Thus these countries might focus on special recognition of visiting foreign scientists working on collaborative research.
- Teaching science is important, but if there are few scientists they should be used efficiently in as teachers. Providing them with assistance in the form of teaching assistants and readers (who grade papers) may help. While such assistants may not be common in all fields in higher education, they may be appropriate in the sciences.
- In small, poor countries, a fairly large portion of scientists may be employed in government agricultural, medical, forestry, fisheries or industrial research institutes. Others may be employed by the government as geologists, hydrologists, meteorologists, and other scientific professions. Again, to maximize the utilization of scientific expertise, such scientists should be provided with assistants to carry out duties that don't require professional scientific knowledge and skill; the scientists should be encouraged to teach and conduct research even if that means adjusting the hours of their government employment.
In general, I would suggest UNESCO deviate from its usual policy to produce a short, easily read and understood set of recommendations. If they are to be useful, they might be targeted to a subset of UNESCO member states, and efforts made to provide them to the relevant science policy makers in the governments of those states utilizing UNESCO's country regional missions as well as national commissions.
Friday, August 08, 2014
Ambassador Nix-HInes Takes Office as Permanent Representative
Ambassador Nix-Hines presents her credentials to UNESCO Director General Bokova. Read more about the new U.S. Permanent Representative to UNESCO.
Sunday, January 05, 2014
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